Thread: Warm up pitches
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Old Fri Dec 06, 2002, 12:01pm
Jim Beltz Jim Beltz is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 6

Starting pitcher F1 who has been pitching the entire game, goes out to the mound in inning number 5 and begins to warm up. After he has delivered one (1) warm up pitch it is discovered that the pitcher is out of availible innings to pitch ( this is a 12 year old, Junior Baseball League). The head coach directs the pitcher to go to 1st base, and directs the 1st basemen to pitch. At this point the umpire takes charge and states that the pitching change cannot be made until after the pitcher, who has begun to warm up, pitches to the first batter of the inning ( except for injury, etc., etc.,).

We argued that since the starting pitcher had already pitched to the first batter of the game as directed in Rule 3-1-1, and that once that is done, he may be substituted at any time while on offense or on defense, and further that rule 3-1-1 governs the pitching requirements of starting pitchers, not Rule 3-1-2. Rule 3-1-2 and its pitching requirements apply to substitutes pitchers. We also contend that the only question for he umpire to address would have been, how many warm up pitches would the substitute have availible to him since the starting pitcher had already used one. See 2002 case book...pitcher coming in assumes the warm up pitch count of the retiring pitcher.

We also contend that there is a penalty note in Rule 3-1-1 which should be applied in the event that the starting pitcher does not pitch to the first batter of the game (or even if it is the 1st batter in any successive inning) and the penalty is removal and he may not return to pitch, but may play any other position.

Can anyone out there site a case or ruling that can clear this up for me?

(Side note: In our junior baseball league, substitutions are free including for pitchers, JBO Rule VII-F, and contains no exceptions).

[Edited by Jim Beltz on Dec 6th, 2002 at 12:19 PM]
Jim Beltz, President
Wilsonville Youth Sports, Inc.
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