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Old Fri Dec 06, 2002, 09:44am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Dear Penn Coach,
When your team plays a very weak opponent how intense do you get? Do you take it easy on the sideline when your team is up by 40 and the official misses a call or do you complain like it was a tie game? I'm sure your team has its rivals and its share of fierce battles too. These are probably the big games for your team and if you are honest you will admit that you treat them differently. Everyone does this.
Ever started your third string or played your JVs against somebody you knew was over matched?
My point is that you aren't trying to insult these weak teams when you put in these players, you just know it is no big deal.
Similiarly, to this official this GV game was not a big deal. The teams didn't test his abilities. Notice he said "weak" girls teams, not just girls games in general.
Now many officials do consider the girls games to be lesser period. Do these girls practice just as long and hard as the boys? Does it hurt just the same when they lose a championship game? Sure. So, when I work their games I treat them with class and dignity. But can the best girls team in the league beat the worst boys team? No. Not in my neck of the woods, anyway.
So hopefully, you must realize that it is just not the same.
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