Originally Posted by Dakota
Who is this "they" of whom you speak?
Uh, ASA.
Originally Posted by Dakota
It is easy to speak of "ASA" as some monolith of power over softball, but in reality it is nothing more than the people who meet and vote on such things.
Let's see . . . the National Governing Body of Softball? Oh, you are right, they are nothing more than USSSA, USFA, ISA, LL, Pony, and the LSOTPHFCCSA (that is, the Little Sisters of the Poor Home for Crippled Children's Softball Association)
Originally Posted by Dakota
If I read the earlier posts correctly, this issue has never been reported out of the JO committee. I would seem, as with Pogo, the JO coaches have met the enemy, and it is them...
Nice try with the Pogo comparison. At the 2001 Gold Nationals, in Marietta, GA at the coaches meeting the question was asked, "Should college players be allowed?", It looked like every coach voted NO, as I did not see one hand go up in the affirmative. But we still have the status quo. So much for listening up.
Like Pogo, you are living in a cartoon world, where reality is often imitated, but reality is often denied.