Thread: 2020, anyone?
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Old Thu Aug 13, 2009, 03:46pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally Posted by ronald View Post

What is all this? Where are they going?

Why? Why are they down on 18G?

Context please. We just had umps come from National tourneys, not regional nats, and the number of teams were astronomical as they put it.

The SoCal self-declared Gods of softball are pissed that ASA will not exclude eligible players who are in college from participating in ASA softball.

And why, do you ask? Because of the idiots', and yes, I said idiots', perception that this individual is taking up another player's chance to get a scholarship.

So, these people have decided they are going to have a Premier National that will include the "best teams in softball" that will exclude any player that cannot produce a valid HS ID or proof of being still home-schooled.

IOW, another ****ing showcase tournament as if there are not enough of them already. The idiots cannot get it through their thick, smog-shrouded heads that part of ASA's mission as the NGB is to provide the path to and crown a national champion. God forbid teams actually play to win as a team and not for the personal advancement of the individual. But, then again, we are probably talking about the same people who believe EVERY participant should get some sort of award just for participating so no one's fellings get hurt.
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