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Old Wed Aug 05, 2009, 12:06pm
GA Umpire GA Umpire is offline
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Originally Posted by jwwashburn View Post
I watched the video again. I originally did not notice what Blake did as a mock of Gibson's puchout-I guess it probably was. I could see dumping him for that. However, if that is all he did, some guys would let it slide and be able to live happy and normal lives.

Someone else mentioned a possible history with those two. If there is, then who knows what was really going on.
So, you don't approve of what Blake did? And, with him doing it and yelling across the field directly at Gibson?

Would you have ejected him if he did all of that to you and was yelling across the field at you saying things like "that's BS"? Would it take you 30 seconds to finally say something or get rid of him?
Question everything until you get an irrefutable or understandable answer...Don't settle for "That's Just the Way it is"