Originally Posted by bigjohn
I understand that but I am asking based on NFHS rules.
By rule it is not hurdling because the snappers hand is on the ground. That is why I tell our snappers to vary the pause for extra points. Most teams will tim up the snap. If the defender stepped on the center, is it a foul?
First question, why is this not hurdling:
NFHS 2-22 Hurdling is an attempt by a player to jump (hurdle) with one or both feet or knees foremost over an opponent who is contacting the ground with no part of his body except one or both feet.
The snapper is contacting the ground with, at least, his feet.
Second, the snapper still cannot be contacted.
Fifteen yard personal foul for hurdling.
Oh yeah, no unsportsmanlike conduct as there is contact. Unsportsmanlike conduct is reserved for non-contact misbehavior.