Originally Posted by SAump
(1) blatantly and avoidably hinders [ a fielder's try to field a fair or catchable batted ball or ] thrown ball. A coach must try to avoid a fielder trying to field. If he tries to avoid, but contacts a fielder, it is not interference. In most cases, a coach who does not try to avoid contact with a fielder will have interfered. [5.08] [7.11]
Why do you manipulate what is written to fit what you want?
Should read as
blatantly and avoidably hinders a fielder's try to field a [fair or catchable batted ball or ]
thrown ball.
Or, if you prefer:
blatantly and avoidably hinders a fielder's try to field a fair or catchable batted ball
OR blatantly and avoidably hinders a fielder's try to field a thrown ball.