Originally Posted by MountieSB
Here is my question: How long does B1 get protection for the obstruction?
She is protected as far as she would have reached had the OBS not occurred. Strictly umpire judgment, but the judgment should be rendered at the time of the OBS.
Originally Posted by MountieSB
When she made the turn from 2B to 3B, and then was tagged out trying to get back to 2B, she should be out, correct?
Strictly judgment.
Originally Posted by MountieSB
Am I wrong in assuming that she is only protected to the next base (in this instance, because there was no chance she could reasonably made third, even without the collision)?
See previous answer.
All of that being said, from the way you describe it, I would probably lean toward an out, as you and Wade have stated, but that is going strictly by your description. I can see where, considering the collision was bad enough to cause injury, the BU could have interpreted that she would have made 3 at the time of the OBS as well, though.