Originally Posted by DeputyUICHousto
When we give our clinics we have had umpires show up with the test already completed! I have no idea where they are getting it but they do. My personal opinion about the declining rules knowlege is that the new umpires don't care to learn. They want their game fees and then to head to the house.
Copies of the test are on-line in January. I encourage umpires to download it or print it and get a head start on everyone else.
They have been talking for at least three years of a program which would allow an umpire to take the test on-line, submit it and ASA would have the relatively auto-graded test forwarded to the UIC or someone at the local level. The ease and the $$$ saved on printing, shipping and correcting errors would be worth the money involved in it's development. I have no doubt such a testing program is already developed and would just require some massaging.