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Old Tue Jul 21, 2009, 06:15pm
KJUmp KJUmp is offline
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Originally Posted by DaveASA/FED View Post
Ok nationals are coming up, so it got me thinking (there I go working without tools again ) what do you all do to get ready for Nationals? Both mentally as well as getting gear / 'stuff' ready??
All the advice given is on target. Do not overlook getting your body healthy. As you're well aware, it's long days and nights on the field..and depending on where you're going....probably very hot. You need to be feeling your best physically. It will stand you in good stead in the long run.
> Someone already mentioned about getting yourself hydrated in the days before your first game...excellent advice.
>If you're travelling a long distance to your site (either by air or car) eat and drink properly while travelling.
>Eat sensibly in the week leading up to your tourney...and while you're there.
>Take care now of any little bumps, bruises, and nicks you've picked up during the season...heal up!
>Make sure that you're getting the proper rest prior to departing for your assignment and while you're at the tournament.
>Pack whatever over the counter meds etc. we all use to keep the body going during a long season... Advil, vitamins, Icy Hot, Aspercreme, etc. etc.
>Don't over work yourself with games back home in the 2 weeks leading up to the tournament. You already know what you need to know and know how to do on the field what you need to do....that's why you're going to a National. Don't burn yourself out trying to amke sure you're "ready".
>Focus on taking care of the physical and the mental...the rest wil take care of itself.
Good luck...have a great tournament.
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