Originally Posted by SethPDX
As usual, it's not IF the rat objects, it's how he goes about it. Here, he chose...poorly. And you know very well muttering something is not what got him ejected.
I can strongly say I feel the umpire did just fine. But I've been umpiring longer than I ever played.
"Draw a line up there..." I'm still chuckling. 
Whats the difference between a batter saying, again I think everyone here knows the batter was incorrect in his rule knowledge, "I have as much time as I want" and a player yelling for an infield fly call when there is 2 outs bc they dont know the rules?
Youre certainly not going to eject the player in the infield fly situation, so why eject the batter???? Either tell him to get in the box, or start assessing whatever penalty is prescribed in the rule book for the batter not taking his stance in a timely fashion. ZERO need to eject at this point in time. You'd have a better argument (albeit still unwarranted IMO) if you ejected when the batter did his "golf swing" warmup.