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Old Wed Jul 08, 2009, 12:47am
KWH KWH is offline
Small Business Owner
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Portland Oregon USA
Posts: 520
The referee is telling you there are 11 players. Therefore, ther wing are merely dtermining if there are less than 6 on the line. As for the player in "no-mans land," Yes, the wings will determine if the formation is legal. So, I think perhaps you may have answered your own question?

Just to clarify. For the method I described above to be successful, the R has to hold his signal much longer. It can't be the old quick fist at the umpire and "Move on to other things," Rather, the R just holds his signal longer, sometimes until the snap.
We have found it to be very succsesful. However like you said, whatever works for you is great!
As you likely know, none of them work if a crew member is sluffing off on counting and just signaling.
"Knowledge is Good" - Emil Faber
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