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Old Tue Jul 07, 2009, 10:12pm
JasonTX JasonTX is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Texas
Posts: 762
Thankfully we us NCAA rules and counting line players is no longer required. But last year we counted the players on our side of the snapper.

If I had 3 players I would touch the bill of my cap. If both wings gave the same signal all was good.

If I had 4 players on my side of the snapper I would place my hand on my cheek.

If I only had 2 players I would just hold up 2 fingers.

So basically, both wings would add the numbers up and both would have a flag. I only work R now, but when I worked on the wing I had my own responsibilities and waiting to see the R or U signal they had 11 to me away from my area. Also I am at the huddle counting and myself and the U signal pretty quickly so that we can move on to other things so it would be possible that the wings would miss the signal.

This is just the way we did it and whatever works best for you is great.
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