Originally Posted by bd41flpk
Thank you all for the comments, especially the ASA rule note.
I did leave out the fact that the level was Adult SP and the home runs occurred on fields w/o fences - hence each player had to touch their respective bases.
Then as Mike said, all appeals are off. In SP, the runners are no longer required to touch all bases on a home run or a 4-base award. The only exceptions are Masters and Seniors - they, for whatever reason, are still required to touch all bases.
Originally Posted by bd41flpk
Still a tad confused on (3) above - '....(3) Bases loaded w/2 outs and B/R hits a home run and R2 misses 3rd ==> Results: 1 run scores - only R3 from 3rd....'
I do believe that R3 run would count since R3 is not directly involved in the 'force out' as B1 becomes the B/R? Only R1 is affected by the 'force out'? Am I correct in this understanding?
Thanks for the participation.
Okay, let's clean up a little terminology, R1 is always the lead runner. R2 trails R1. R3 trails R2, who trails R1. In other words, R1 is on 3B (lead runner), R2 is on 2B, and R3 is on 1B.
In this sitch, Mike would again (as usual) be correct. Since R2 is forced to advance to 3B, he MUST touch 3B. If he misses the base and the defense appeals, that is a force out, and zero runs score (same as if the batter hit a grounder to the shortstop who tagged 2B before R3 reached it). He missed the base to which he was force to run due to the batter becoming a batter-runner.
However, again, since this is ASA slow pitch, runners are not forced to touch the bases on a home run, so there is nothing to appeal. If this were fast pitch, modified pitch, senior slow pitch or master's slow pitch, the above appeal would be granted, and no runs would score.
Make a little more sense?