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Old Tue Jun 30, 2009, 08:17am
aceholleran aceholleran is offline
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Only in Little League

Sent to me by a coach. I am cutting and pasting here.

one out, man on first base. count is 2-2 on the batter. pitcher throws ball 3. batter thinks it is ball 4 and starts to run to first base. the runner on 1st thinks it must be ball 4 also and starts to walk to 2nd. the catcher, knows it is ball 3 and now attempts to pick the runner off at 1st base off since he is moving so slowly. the thrown ball by the catcher now hits the batter-runner and the runner on first now makes it to second. what is the ruling?

Glad I wasn't at the game.

Ace in CT
There is no such thing as idiot-proof, only idiot-resistant.
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