Originally Posted by Ref Ump Welsch
I agree with no call on the shout from the stands, but would any of you consider some kind of preventative officiating by saying some type of general statement to the fans or even the coach or manager of the team to share with the fans? Something to the effect of "don't do that again"?
Since I do slow-pitch only, I would probably have a word with the manager/captain of both teams, asking them to let their fans know that shouting this kind of thing is not really appropriate, and to refrain from it. I don't know, but something tells me if this doesn't get nipped in the bud this time, someone is bound to have some serious problems down the road.
The only times I would ever acknowledge an act by a fan are if A) it actually is, by rule, spectator interference or B) the actions by the fan present a serious safety hazard or C) if I hear a direct threat ("I'm kicking your a$$ in the parking lot after the game, blue!").
We've actually had this discussion many times on this forum, and I believe the general consensus was to have someone else remove the fan (either the athletics director, tournament director, home team coach, security, or some other appropriate person). Never, EVER turn around to confront a fan. You're wasting your breath, and you're sinking to their level.