Originally Posted by UmpJM (nee CoachJM)
If the pitcher were attempting to disengage, it would indeed be an illegal disengage and a balk with runners on base.
However, he was not attempting to disengage. He was initiating a pick-off move to 1B and he violated none of the balk proscriptions in doing so.
From the MLBUM:
This interpretation is accepted at ALL levels.
Thank you all for your input. The "jab step" is really what the pitcher has been doing, with a clear description of it quoted above. And as I was reading through the NFHS rules last night (I don't have them infront of me now to reference), it stated that a pitcher could make a step with their pivot foot toward third, and then legally step with their free/non-pivot foot toward first and throw. So I guess I have found my correct answer.