Tue Jun 16, 2009, 11:16am
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Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally Posted by Dakota
Since this has morphed into an insurance thread, if you officiate high school sports (any sport), check your insurance from that. The insurance we get through NFHS/MSHSL (also from Bollinger) covers us for any amateur sport so long as that sport is a varsity sport in the state. IOW, I would covered as an official for every MN varsity sport from alpine skiing to wrestling, youth or adult, for whatever sanctioning organization or sponsorship, so long as it was not a professional game/match. But, I would not be covered for water polo, since that is not a varsity sport in MN.
Damn, you mean I wasn't covered when I worked the pro ski tour at Alpine Meadows in Tahoe and Jiminy Peak in Hancock?