Originally Posted by derwil
Ran my first coach last weekend. 14 years in Basketball, no one even comes close. 6 months of SB and BOOM, out he goes....
Coach was ranting (by my observation justifiably) about a put out at 1st base that was the 3rd out. As soon as my partner rang the girl up who appeared to be safe by 2 steps I sad to myself.....crap. Here we go.
Traveling from 1st base CB to 3B dugout......"you guys suck...bunch of jacka$$es..." Your gone coach -tell it to the bus driver! It was a college exposure tourney so I felt bad for the girls that he was acting like that. I'm sure it wasn't his first trip to the parking lot though.
Oh well....now that milestone's past I've gotta get me one in B-Ball!!! 
When they want to go, you've got to allow it to happen.