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Old Tue Jun 09, 2009, 12:56pm
SamIAm SamIAm is offline
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additional ncaa rules changes

The panel also addressed the perceived advantage teams had when a fouled player is injured. Previously, the shooting team's coach could select any player on his roster to take the free throws. Now, the opposing coach must select from the four players remaining players on the court.

And the committee approved expanding replay to determine flagrant fouls, which would result in ejection.

The rules changes will go into effect this fall.


I see a new "perceived advantage" that may not have been thought out by the ncaa. I haven't seen the actual wording of the rule, so I could be incorrect.

A1 is fouled by B1. A1 is injured and cannot shoot. B2 coach picks the free throw shooter. Wouldn't this sitch allow B coach to force A coach to leave a player in the game who otherwise might have been subbed for while also knocking A1 out of the game (temporarily).
- SamIAm (Senior Registered User) - (Concerning all judgement calls - they depend on age, ability, and severity)
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