Originally Posted by LIBlueASA
I like to watch the game from the prospective of an umpire. I try to learn something from everyone. Mechanics, situations, rules discussion, timing of calls....
That's about the only way I can watch the game anymore, I've been doing it for so long. A true story: I'm reading
As They See 'Em, that wonderful new book about baseball umpiring. The author is trying to make the point that umpires see the game differently, and asks the reader what F4 would do with a runner on first and a base hit to LF.
I thought, "Well, I guess cover 2B. Never gave it much thought, though."
He then asked if anyone knew what the umpires would do.
I though, "Easy! BU (baseball, remember) stays in the working area behind the mound, watches R1 touch 2B, the B/R touch 1B, and takes B/R into 2B if necessary. PU rotates to cover 3B."
This of course made the author's point that umpires see the game differently.