I will use the exact speed needed to get me into position for the next situation. Walk, jog, sprint or mosey whatever it takes.
In this situation, I've got plenty of time to walk. Gotta pace yourself out there.
An instructor at school used to say, "Never walk when you can run."
That's cute. So he'd never walk on the field, eh? How about when he leaves? Full on sprint? I mean, is there a real need to run, if you're not holding up the game?
Don't get me wrong. I'm an ex-bicycle road racer/triathlete (and no slouch, either), so I can amble around the diamond better than most. But some times, there's just no need.
Just don't be like that old knucklehead a few years back in the Little League World Series, who was more worried about hustling to his next position, that he forgot to do the only thing he was tasked to in a six man crew. Watch second base.