Thread: Rookie Question
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Old Wed May 20, 2009, 10:49am
Tru_in_Blu Tru_in_Blu is offline
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D3 says to me, Blue did he leave early? I banged R1 for 3rd out, as he did leave early.

As mentioned in earlier posts, the runner at second base in this situation was the PU's responsibility. Had I been the base umpire, I would have required more clarity. "Did he leave early?" does not specifiy which runner the defense is appealing.

If they clarified that they were appealing the runner leaving from 2B, the proper mechanic would be to ask the PU for his ruling.

This exact scenario happened to me recently. Both runners were safe, but my BU poached the call on the runner from 2B. Between innings, he claimed that he thought they were appealing the runner from 1B. Regardless, he wasn't clear on what the defense was appealing and decided to just jump in everywhere. It got a bit annoying when he told me he's been "doing this for L years". I figured that after that long, he should have been able to get it right.

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