Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
"Umpire" being the operative word here. These are children, masquerading as umpires, thinking they know the rules when they don't, and disrespecting their elders. I would never use that on a "real" umpire. Besides, real umpires would know I'm an umpire in most cases.
First off, I don't know a "real" umpire until they have called with me or I see them on the field during a game.
Second, what makes a "real" umpire? Their age, their appearance? If anybody puts on the uniform to put up with the crap that parents, coaches, and players dish out, then they are a real umpire. They are not masquerading b/c they are putting up with someone approaching them in the parking lot to question their judgment and not doing it during the game(where it should have been handled).
When does it begin for someone to be a "real" umpire? These kids were doing their job. They may not know it very well which comes from experience. No umpire walks on the field knowing how to umpire without experience. Listening to daddy's stories of his time on the field will only go so far. Reading the rulebook will only go so far. An umpire has to start with what they know or think they know and build from there. May be wrong in the beginning, but many get better and many don't. Instead of complaining about them, teach them or deal with what you get.