Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
Then I would have probably informed them that I have been umpiring since long before they were a gleam in their daddy's eye on a cold winter night.
Do not do this. The last thing any umpire wants to hear is some coach trying to say they umpire. Coaches will try anything to get an umpire to doubt themselves even if they are 100% correct. Ever heard "I have been umpiring X years" or "I have played AAA ball" followed by "I have never heard that". So don't try this tactic, it doesn't work.
Also, do not approach umpires after the game. Many bad things come from this and hardly any good things as you found out. Do it as SoCal says. Get a ruling on the field and protest the game. You achieved absolutely nothing by trying to not be a coach in this situation. Once the game is over, leave the umpires alone or get treated this way possibly. Anything pertaining to the game should be handled on the field not in the parking lot.
As for how these kids acted, well, they are kids and you may or may not see the same attitude from your own kid. I don't think it had anything to do with more than they are kids put into an authoritative role. And, now, you just questioned their calls. Yes, they may have screwed up the call(HTBT for that) but it should have been handled on the field through the rules available to you as a coach(Protest). If they show this same attitude ON THE FIELD, then talk to the UIC. You chose to approach after the game which is a "You get what you get" situation and should not have involved the UIC except for him to make sure they don't do this same thing while on the field.