Originally Posted by Kevin Finnerty
I would tend to agree if these were experienced young men, or anyone with the right to carry guns. These guys are teenagers. And they are, by this account, unacceptably disrespectful of a respectful and respectable adult. They can come back and try again when they grow up and develop a sense of respect and the respectability that comes with it.
No, they chose to exert authority in the wrong way. Age is irrelevant to this action--they could have been in their 20s or 40s, and this still very likely would have occurred, assuming the same level of inexperience.
How many times have we seen stories on here or other boards about adults trying to railroad young umpires? The age of the person doesn't matter in this situation--they were still the authority figure, and they felt that they had their authority challenged.
Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
As far as the two yutes, I think you handled it better than I would have. I probably would have let them know in no uncertain terms that they are wet-behind-the-ears and couldn't carry my mask to the pre-game plate conference. Then I would have probably informed them that I have been umpiring since long before they were a gleam in their daddy's eye on a cold winter night. Then I probably would have asked them if they talked this way with all aduts, or was I just the lucky guy today. Then I would have talked to the UIC. Then I would have said that I don't want them ever on one of my games, and recommend disciplinary action for a couple of smart-*** kids.
I don't put up with sass from children.
You are looking at it the wrong way. They are the authority figures, not the adult coach in the conversation. While there is disrespect, there is not the social norm of elder/youth interaction.