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Old Mon May 18, 2009, 01:43pm
Brandon Kincer Brandon Kincer is offline
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Originally Posted by Reffing Rev. View Post
It should also be noted that a coach can be disqualified for a single flagrant unsporting act. He doesn't have to get 2 flags to get ejected. But as was just said, an ejection is a serious and rare occurence in organized (I don't call rec league ball organized) football. So from the OP if that is 1 ongoing flagrant unsporting act I might say he's disqualified with just 1 15 yard penalty.

Though mechanics differ greatly around the nation when a coach crosses a line, you should be mentally prepared to deal with those situations before stepping on the field.

A good white hat and for that matter a good crew will help you out if you get an unruly coach. If you are a wing and a coach crosses a line you flag it and you're looking for R to report your foul, and he will come towards you and he will hopefully address the coach and remind him of the consequences of crossing another line. Additionally a BJ or U should come in to help clean up your sideline while you are reporting the foul, on our crew BJ is responsible to keep a coach from following a wing with an argument, and the same way a lineman will protect a QB, our Umpire takes care of our WH.
Great advice guys thanks. Has this ever happened to you where the coach became very upset to the point he was delaying progress of the game by argueing with you? I for one have had happen to me and it was a rec league game which also uses NFHS Rulebook. Ill let him say what he needs to say but the second a profane word comes out of his mouth my flag is in the air.
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