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Old Fri May 15, 2009, 07:49pm
BktBallRef BktBallRef is offline
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Originally Posted by bbcof83 View Post
Can anyone simply explain some of the more complex points to remember about traveling? Specifically I have troubles with two plays: the jump stop and what is allowed to follow it; and the beginning of a dribble, I often miss violations where the pivot is picked up before the dribble begins. Maybe someone has some simple sayings or one liners that can help me visualize traveling and enforce the rules better.

1 -When a player is holding the ball, determine which foot is being used as the pivot.

If a dribble is started, that foot better be on the ground.

If the that is lifted, the player had better pass or shoot before it returns to the floor.

2- A player with the ball can jump off one foot and land simultaneously on both feet.

If he doesn't land simulataneously, it's traveling.

If he steps after landing, it's traveling.

If he jumps off both feet and lands with the ball, it's traveling. (This is the most missed jumpstop travel in my opinion)

If he gathers the ball while airborne, none of the 3 points above applies.
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