Originally Posted by ronald
Dave, would you like to share the astroturf reference?
Crap... Yeah, apparently the NB 350s and astroturf are extra "adhesive." We were practicing the 3-umpire mechanics, and I was 1BU. I was attempting to pivot while running home when my left foot absolutely STUCK to the ground. It stopped mid-pivot, but the rest of my 230-pound body kept going. From the reports I received afterward, I had apparently been flipped (literally) into the air, feet up over my head, then I came down hard. Now more than a month later, it's still giving me problems. But hey, I've sucked it up and umpired about 9 days after the injury, so... Let me just say that Active Ankles are AWESOME when you have an ankle injury. HIGHLY recommended.
Fortunately, Georgia Tech and Virginia Tech were playing a doubleheader about 100 yards away, and they were about to begin when one of the other students at the NUS ran down and grabbed their student trainer, explaining that an umpire was down.
Man, she sure was cute!