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Old Thu Apr 30, 2009, 04:32pm
AtlUmpSteve AtlUmpSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by Dakota View Post
If you did that in a Fed game, everyone had a right to be upset. Train wrecks have virtually disappeared from Fed softball. Get out your 2009 rule book and read everything in there about "initial play." In Fed, this should have been interference.
Out of the house, no references. Just like on the ball field, I suppose.

In NFHS, this contact HAS to be something. Your initial description of "a foot or two" makes it sound like the initial play (after muffing, still within a step and a reach) applies; if so, has to be interference. If more than a step and a reach, then it must be obstruction.

As a personal point of emphasis, the act of turning is often MORE than one step; if that is true (and it generally is), then the initial play has ended, and the fielder is no longer protected. If she literally pivots on one foot, THEN she still has a step and a reach available. We don't want to be rewarding misplays more than the written rule provides.

In ASA, as Mike mentioned, there is no initial play definition; if the fielder still has an opportunity to get an out, the fielder is still protected. If the ball was anywhere still in reach, that runner was still a possible out, so it almost has to be interference (in the play you describe). Again, if the ball is farther than that (so that you think the runners would all be safe if no contact), it has to be obstruction. This is, again, NOT a train wreck in ASA; someone has the right of way, and is protected.
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