Originally Posted by bniu
The other day, I worked with a PU who was so macho that he didn't use a mask in a fastpitch game!!! I'm serious, this guy refused to use a mask for a fastpitch game. Any brave (or dumb) souls here attempted such a thing? Or have any of ya'll forgotten your mask walking out there? I won't even do slowpitch without a mask or cup (a foul ball to the teeth is EXTREMELY PAINFUL will get you to worship the mask and a pitch to the groin will make you wish for the cup), couldn't imagine doing fastpitch with no mask...
To quote somebody: what an ucking fidiot...
Bad enough we have a couple around here who don't wear cups behind the plate! One guy throws his ball bag on, grabs his mask, and is 'ready to go'....no leg guards...no CP......no cup...it almost hurts just THINKING about it!
There was a bb guy around here, who took one in the chest with a cheap CP on, and a couple of innings later bought it on the field.
Oh yeah - I've walked up to a field....then going....'wait a second...I'm missing something here!'