Originally posted by gsf23
Alright...I'll try again..
Let's say that one official is letting the players get away with putting their hand on the side of the ball and turning it over, but the other official is calling that SAME action a carry. That is what I mean by consistency..the SAME action being called two different things.
My point is, you might not be totally aware of what your partner is not calling. You can only watch what your partner is doing very little of the time. That might mean that your partner is not at the same judgement level that you are at. It does not mean that you just adjust to one call because you called one thing and your partner called another. Just like anything, you should talk at halftime or between quarters and even during timeouts if you can. Get on the same page as much as you can, but in the end you have to call your own game. If you just do not make calls just because you want to match your partner, you might be precieved as just a bad official like your partner. You still have to call what you see and what occurs.