Originally Posted by GA Umpire
The runner clearly puts his arms up to his chest to protect himself just like the pitcher. So, both are at fault for contact. The pitcher won.
Your position is that the BR is equally at fault for trying to protect himself? What's next? You keep a batter at the plate when he turns to protect his face from an inside pitch that hits him in the back?
Originally Posted by GA Umpire
The runner could have easily just stopped or stayed in foul territory to avoid the pitcher. It looked to me like he went toward the pitcher with the hope of putting up his arms up and knocking the ball loose. He initiated all of the contact.
To me, the batter was protecting himself. Before the tag, the batter does slow down in what looks like an effort to stop and give himself up to the tag.
However, I agree that the BR's post-actions are questionable. He shouldn't have walked toward the pitcher AT ALL.