In response to your suggested wording of:
B]...of all players on A's line, only those on its ends and the snapper may wear a number other than 50-79 inclusive. [/B]
I guess I remain confused. Why would you want to restrict say the "traditional left guard" from wearing #22 if his team was to meet all the other requirments of a scrimmage kick formation including: a holder, a kicker, a "covered up snapper" wearing #3, and four other lineman wearing 50-79 and these four lineman are located
Restated, I see no reason why, as long as you have four lineman wearing 50-79, the end can not be #79 and the left guard #22 and the covered up center #3. Obviusly #79, #3, & #22 would be ineligible, however since they are kicking a field goal it normally would not be an issue.
Am I still missing something?: