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Old Tue Nov 12, 2002, 09:22am
Dakota Dakota is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2000
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ASA used to sell a CD-ROM (made by TASO, I believe) with the 2001 rules on it. Now, though, they are only selling a CD-ROM with umpire mechanics.

I don't understand ASA's overall behavior here. Certainly, they can decide how they want to distribute their rule books, but I don't know too many umpires who would have ONLY an electronic copy of the book even if one was available. In fact, I don't know too many umpires or coaches who actually decide the BUY the ASA book - it comes with the registration - so ASA is getting their money either way.

I'd like to see a fully linked HTML version of the rule book - one that allows word and phrase searching, as well as hot links in the index, table of contents, POEs, etc. I don't necessarily think it is helpful to have the rules on-line, but offering an electronic version for sale would be helpful.
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