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Old Fri Apr 10, 2009, 01:07pm
wadeintothem wadeintothem is offline
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My thinking is more along the lines of Mikes. It doesnt matter to me a lot what the scorekeeper does. I have it on my card. I realize some preventative umpiring is likely in order and I will try to say it to where the coach and score keeper get it at the same time, but I address the coach.

What got this post going was remembering the time the score keeper was off getting a hot dog or something and that caused an even bigger delay as he looked lost.. finnally giving it to a different parent who sits next to the scorekeeper.

However, the bottom line is - it seems to me there is no ASA standard on this and its up to an individual umpire's discretion as to how they do it. That's fine, I was just checking.

That is what kind of what aI thought, which is why I didnt say anything to him. It was painful though.
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