1. What is the official's signal when a player from team A bumps the ball and it goes under the net and lands in (or outside) the court on the other side of the net? Is it a net foul, ball lands out of bounds, or ball lands in bounds pointing to court A side?
2. On the first attempt to play the ball, a player from team A attempts to pass the ball but it goes off her arm out of bounds and lands outside the court on her side of the net, is the call a touch or out of bounds? Is it always the same call or does it depend on an obvious shank hit compaired to a slight touch of the ball before it lands out of bounds?
3. If the ball travels outside of the antenna over the net and the umpire clearly sees it, should he make the call? (Especially in high-school
VB where the lines people are often inexperienced volunteers.)
4. What is the signal when a player runs into or pushes-off the official's stand?