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Old Fri Apr 03, 2009, 08:58am
cardinalfan cardinalfan is offline
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Originally Posted by BretMan View Post
Had a pitch bounce off the plate, go right through the catcher, then slam home up under the small end of my cup. Dropped me like a box of rocks and took me to that dark, far off place where nothing else exists but blinding pain for a few seconds. A few minutes later, the cobwebs cleared and we're playing ball.

Next inning- the same thing happens again! As I'm lying there on the ground, somebody says, "Are you okay, Blue?". Gee, whadya' think...

The first thing that popped into my head, and out of my mouth, was, "Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just damn glad that I'm done having kids!".

I can't recall ever being hit by a batted ball while playing the field. I've had some close ones, but always managed to get out of the way. One partner I had wasn't so lucky.

He was in "C" and the batter ripped one right at him. He turned to avoid it, but the ball hooked right into him. He zigged when he should have zagged.

The first place the ball hit him was on the end of the thumb, as he had his arms and hands tucked in tight against his body. That ripped the nail off of his thumb and had blood just pouring out. The ball richocheted into his wrist and instantlly raised a lump about the size of a baseball. It looked like the wrist bone had snapped and was pressing up from behind the skin (turns out it wasn't broken). One of the nastier things I've seen on a field- and I've seen some nasty ones!

Off to the ER he went, as I finished the game solo.
Good stories. 2 shots to the nads in one game. People were laughing at you. I'm sure you don't remember it, but they were... trust me, they were.
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