Don't have an opinion on the backcourt count, but I would like to do away with all closely guarded counts, except when they are holding the ball. I don't remember the last 5 second count I called, so it isn't really a problem. Also, we have games on courts of all sizes. When the division line is farther away from the baseline, the offense has an advantage under the current rules; when it is closer, the defense has an advantage. Besides, I've seen defenses pick up cheap 5 second calls and its not always good defense, plus it can be very discretionary.
However, holding the ball is not a basketball play so it is needed there. To me its more important to keep the game moving than to call a meaningless violation 30-40 feet from the basket. Now, they can amend the current rule to make it apply only within the three point arc, but outside it isn't needed.