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Old Tue Mar 31, 2009, 10:50am
stripes stripes is offline
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Originally Posted by Cmoore View Post
It was very interesting and noteworthy that the lack of a fair number of African American officials in the 2009 NCAA men's division I tourney prompted Larry Rose, supervisor of the MEAC to send a note of concern to John Adams, the National Coordinator of Officials.

In response to Larry Rose's letter, Adams encouraged African American officials who also felt that this was a concern, to voice their opinions in writing. I wonder how many will actually put their feelings in writing.

There was an obvious lack of an African American presence in the Sweet 16 for sure. As many African Americans that play basketball, there should be greater representation of African American officials...especially since there are a very high number of QUALIFIED African American officials, who simply have not received their chance yet.

This is not a post to stir any racist comments...just a true reporting of what took place and hopefully a post that will stimulate good conversation and thoughts...

This is my first next will be my letter to Adams (of course without my name). I think if any change will come about, it will be because of people like Larry Rose or other BIG TIME, BIG NAME African American officials. Hopefully, they realize that they have more influence than an African American official who has few years in division I or may not have the "name" yet. We'll see how much we (AA) stick together on this one...
With an issue that is this important, why would you send an anonymous letter? Letters without signatures are rarely taken seriously. Are you afraid that speaking out without the mask of anonimity is the wrong thing to do?
Get it right!

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