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Old Mon Mar 30, 2009, 09:14am
FullCount FullCount is offline
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Originally Posted by Skahtboi View Post
I don't know of any rule set that calls for a pitcher to "present" the ball. That is another of those lingering myths that actually was based in rule, I believe, many years ago. Most rule sets state the pitcher must take the pitching plate with the hands apart, the ball may be in either the glove or the hand, and pause to take a signal or simulate taking a signal. The hands must then come together for 1 second and not longer than 10 seconds (in most rule sets). The pitch begins once the hands separate.
Had a game two weeks ago in which a HS varsity coach kept insisting to me that the Fed rules require the pitcher to present the ball. Between innings I told him pretty much what you state: not required, "present" doesn't appear in the rules, and that this seems to be a lingering myth. His answer- in their previous game, played earlier the same day but on a different field and against a different opponent, they had IPs called on their pitcher for not presenting the ball. Could be another case of some umpires not really knowing the rules but more likely it's the coach since he clearly didn't know the rules.
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