After reading this entire thread, I am convinced more and more these sort of things are why NYS does NOT subscribe to NFHS for softball.
For the record, here is the card we are required to read before every game:
No jewelry, which includes visible body piercing shall be worn in any sport. Any piece of jewelry that is visible at the start of , or during, any contest, is in violation of the NYSPHSAA Jewelry Rule. Religious medals must be taped to the body snd under the uniform. Medical medals must be taped so they are visible. Soft, pliable barrettes are are permissable. Body gems are not
(Italics were mine, btw)
About once a year, I might have to remind someone about a forgotten necklace...and usually the kid is SO embarrassed about it....
Also it is MANDATORY for us to check 'bats and hats' prior to a game - and again, all the teams are so used to it, they all have everything out for us to look when we get to the field for our pregame. The coaches like it, actually - occasionally we will find a helmet where the mask is a little loose, or something minor like that, and the coach who is usually busy as all heck appreciates it. Then EVERYbody's butt is covered....
New York can run SOME things pretty well at times....