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Old Wed Mar 25, 2009, 01:40pm
M&M Guy M&M Guy is offline
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Originally Posted by BktBallRef View Post
The OP said B1 and B2 fouled at the same time.
I think the baseball analogy would be the phrase, "The tie goes to the runner." I've been told the correct call is, "There's no such thing as a tie." The ball beat the runner, or the runner beat the ball, even if it's by a mere fraction of a second, and it's the umpire's job to determine which it is.

I think the same applies here - B1 and B2 didn't foul at the same time, one fouled right before the other, even though it was approximately the same time. Have you ever called, or have your partners ever called, a multiple foul on a relatively routine play like two defenders on a shooter?

Look, I get the theory of "game management". But it bothers me a little that we are, essentially, making a call based on what will cause us the least amount of grief, not what is correct. Sometimes, in that very situation, what is correct and what will cause us the least amount of grief are the same call. But, sometimes it's not. I'm uncomfortable with looking at a play, seeing A1 (the star) foul right before A2 (the sub), and purposely calling the foul on A2 solely because the coach and fans won't give me as much grief about the call, all in the name of "game management". There may be times where this is acceptable, and yes, I have made calls that were "by rule" incorrect, but ok by "game management standards". But I think where that line is drawn is different than "every time" in this type of play. It is too close, in my opinion, to simply using the excuse of "game management" to not make the correct, but unpopular calls, say, late in a close game.
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