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Old Wed Mar 25, 2009, 01:27pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by bradfordwilkins View Post
If it literally was the same exact instant, the book clearly says (NF) that it is a multiple foul (4-19-11). If they weren't at the same instant, you could again refer to the book and call a False Multiple Foul (4-19-12).
All of this call it on the weaker player, less fouls, bench player, etc shouldn't matter under HS rules...
Because it is a dumb foul to call. If you call that, you have now given two fouls to the same player on the same action. Something likely happened first and if you are not sure pick one. I have never seen anyone call a multiple foul and hope someone never does. I do not care what the casebook says. The casebook says a lot of things, I would advocate being nit-picky and calling everything no matter what. You will get more into a debate that it was not a multiple foul than it is worth arguing.

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