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Old Wed Mar 25, 2009, 01:19pm
bradfordwilkins bradfordwilkins is offline
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Posts: 322
Why is nobody going by the book and calling a multiple or false multiple?

If it literally was the same exact instant, the book clearly says (NF) that it is a multiple foul (4-19-11). If they weren't at the same instant, you could again refer to the book and call a False Multiple Foul (4-19-12).

Case play 4-19-12: B1 fouls airborne A1 who is in the act of shooting. Before shooter A1 returns one foot to the flor, he/she is fouled by B2 who has moved into A1's landing area. The ball (a) does or (b) does not, enter the basket.

Ruling This is a false multiple foul and each foul carries its own penalty. In (a) the goal is counted and A1 is awarded one free throw for each foul. In (b), A1 is awarded two free throws for each foul (10 Penalty 6, 7)

All of this call it on the weaker player, less fouls, bench player, etc shouldn't matter under HS rules...
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