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Old Wed Mar 25, 2009, 01:08pm
zm1283 zm1283 is offline
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I don't buy the whole "Call it on who has fewer fouls and who will make less of an impact on the game" crap. That's a copout so you don't have to look like the bad guy. Take care of business if you need to.

I'd either A) Call it on who I thought committed the foul first, or B) If I can't determine that, go with a multiple foul since they did both foul the shooter.

If one player's foul was "more of a foul", and I know one didn't happen before the other, I'll call that player for the foul. I won't however use a player's foul total to determine if he gets it or not.

I had one almost like this at the end of this season. Shooter A1 drives on a fast break right at the lower block on the lane. At pretty much the same time, I see what I think is a foul by B1 on A1's arm from behind him, and B2 is sliding over to try and take a charge. I call B2 for the block because it was "more of a foul" than B1's foul. I know that sounds funny but it's the best term I can come up with.
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