Originally Posted by midmoump
The Davis website advertises hard plastic panels that overlap without gaps and conform to your chest. Is that right? Are there gaps when you wear it? The photo makes it look like the neck opening is wide and doesn't offer good collar bone protection.
No overlap, but no gaps on the chest. Just lots of little plates.
Two problems I see. One, the collar bone is a bit more exposed than I like. It rides high enough, but it's not narrow enough. And that's a problem with most c/p's, you can't adjust that. Either it fits, or it doesn't. Sure, you need to get your head in there, but my neck is narrower than my dome, as are most non-offensive linemen.
Next, the little plates. Common sense would tell you they wouldn't displace as much energy as the big ones. And since they don't overlap, every plate is on their own.
Now, this rig is really well built, and has some great features. The velcro, pull-down adjustment on the back is really neat. It cinches up the c/p very easily. The mesh in the back, and the liner is better than anything I've ever seen.
Hey, maybe I'm all wrong on this, and I'll find some secret way to adjust this thing over my collar bone. And maybe it will take a blow better than I think it will. Stand by, as I just opened the box yesterday.