Originally Posted by LoRafter
In closing, if it makes you feel better to judge people who selflessly devote their own personal time, share their knowledge and give to our communities, than continue on with your insults and conclusions. I am very disappointed that so-called professionals are reacting this way. 
While devoting your time to coach youth sports is admirable, let's not get carried away. It's not quite the same as volunteering at a hospital or homeless shelter. Maybe you do those things too, I have no idea.
You catagorized some responses as insults, but they were kind compared to some responses to your type of post. I'm sure many on here didn't even respond because they saw it as just another coach's thinly veiled rant about a local umpire or group of umpires who did or didn't call this or that. Your second post seems to prove this.
There was an ASA umpire who didn't know that foul tip caught by a catcher on the third strike was an out, that a ball hit in fair territory then rolling foul before passing first base and untouched is a foul ball and that even if the pitch was 3 feet outside, you still need to call a strike if the batter swings, etc.
For rule clarification, I would suggest the rule book. For umpire complaints, I suggest your local association. However, if you expect perfection from every umpire that's calling 8U, you may want to keep a bottle of those chill pills handy.