Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by stripes
[Steel Magnolias] is the worst movie ever made.
Respectfully, until (or unless) you've seen "Nothing But Trouble", starring Chevy Chase, Demi Moore, and Dan Akroyd, you are simply not qualified to give opinions on "the worst movie ever made". I wish I could find that little animation of the guy puking. That's how I felt after that movie. Not one single laugh in almost 2 hours.
I see that Chuck has transformed this thread into an
episode of "Law & Order", or maybe "Silence of the Lambs 3"
but I'm gonna say until you've seen the Jackass movie you
have absolutely no way of knowing what a bad movie is.
For me to tell you how bad is this movie is like trying to
describe the color blue to a blind person, or explain what
an oboe sounds like to one who is deaf. Bad. Bad. Bad.
Bad in a very bad way. Why was I there? Part of the joys
of fatherhood, to accompany a 16 year old son to bad, bad,
bad movies. My older son is planning on seeing it with his
gf. I felt compelled to advise him to not take her along,
if he wants to keep her as his gf. Bad, bad, bad movie.