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Old Mon Mar 16, 2009, 06:58pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by T42 View Post
In 35 years officiating, when there was a question about a shot at the end of a game or overtime, we were always instructed to ask the timer "Where was the ball when the horn went off?" not "where was the ball when the clock went to 0:00?" I'm sure many official has had the clock go to 0:00 and the horn not sound. Wonder why this subject didn't come up at the end of regulation?
Any comment will be appreciated.
I appreciate all of your years of experience, but I'm guessing that most of those were at the HS level and any collegiate experience that you have was prior to the use of the video monitor. Basically, your question can be answered by taking a quick look at the latest NCAA ruling. It was handed down following a game a couple of years ago in which the clock and the LED lights were not synchronized.

Currently at the NCAA level the zeros ON THE GAME CLOCK has the highest priority. The LED lights are 2nd, and the horn sounding is 3rd.

Rule 2, Section 13, Article 4.
In games with a 10th-of-a-second game clock display and where an
official courtside monitor is used, the reading of zeros on the game clock
is to be used to determine
whether a try for goal, a shot-clock violation or
a foul occurred before or after the expiration of time in any period. When
the game clock is not visible, the officials shall verify the original call with
the use of the red/LED light(s).
When the red/LED light(s) are not visible,
the sounding of the game-clock horn shall be utilized.
When definitive
information is unattainable with the use of the monitor, the original call

This is not the case with the shot clock. For the shot clock the horn is controlling and the showing of zero does NOT indicate a violation.

Rule 2, Section 11, Article 9.
Sound the shot-clock horn at the expiration of the shot-clock period.
This shot-clock horn shall not stop play unless recognized by an official’s
whistle. When the shot clock indicates zeros but the shot-clock horn has not sounded, the shot-clock time has not expired.
At the HS level under NFHS rules the SOUNDING OF THE HORN has the highest priority, even if there are supplementary lights per 2-12-7, 5-6-2, and 1-14.

2-12-7: "...Indicate by signal the expiration of playing time in each quarter or
extra period. If a supplementary red light is used, the timer’s signal is the official
expiration of playing time
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